Friday, January 15, 2010

In the beginning...

First and foremost, I feel it is important to let you know where Doodle Arts by Alecia came from.
Its really quite simple. I love kids. I love to face paint. People were asking me to paint for their events and so I put a name behind it. I haven't made it big or anything, but I have had fun.
I picked the name because it encompassed more than just face painting. I am an artistic person and I love doing all kinds of art. My sisters are the same way, so i made room for them by adding the "by Alecia".

Here are  pictures of some of my first events. This was at a Phi Theta Kappa get-together. It was one of the first times I used my new paints! And they held up. It was a hot day, but the paints did not melt off. I love Paradise by Mehron!

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